Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So After a year and a half in a foreign Country I have finally set foot on American Soil and let me just say that I am full of confusing emotions. Don't get me Wrong I love to be home But sometimes I find myself Yearning for Costa Rica and the people there. I'm sure that all Return Missionaries go through this awful state but it's different to hear about it and then actually experience it. I Don't exactly know what to do with myself. I have a weird sensation of being lost all the time now, like I should be doing something but I'm not sure quite what it is. oh well, I'm sure that it will wear off and I will get use to being a normal person again. So, also I find it hard to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes so this blog will mostly be pictures because I have a short attention span (I'm sure that that too will go away soon, hopefully because it's really frustrating)

Bubbles bubbles bubbles!

 Impromptu Yoga Class
 Suck it in girls those wraps are mighty fattenin'
 CR dresses
 um yum
 Lil sure enjoyed that mousse
 "Thanks mom" she says as she pats her pleasingly plump tummy and heads of for a dip in the pool
Hey morg whatcha doin' upthere
NOOOOOO! I don't wanna go Home!!


The Schauerhamers said...

I love the pictures, especially the collage of the impromtu yoga! So funny, I sure love being silly with you. I am sure things will get back to normal, maybe a trip to Idaho will get you there. ;) A lot is going on here at the farm, it seems like we are all outside doing our different jobs. It's good to be outside in the nice weather. The girls say HELLO and miss you!

Stacy said...

I know you will get in the swing of things soon. You just can't help it, life moves on and so do you. I loved the little dresses from CR, the girls will get much use out of them this summer and they will be dresses that I will keep put away for them when they outgrow them. It was so good to see you, I can't wait to get you p to SLC so that I can talk and hear all of your stories.

Alan and Shelley said...

I'm so glad you're home. It was great to be with you last week. That picture of the cake on your blog is beautiful and making me want to have a piece, however, after being with you guys I need to go on a very low calorie diet. Your mom makes it hard on me to maintain control. She cooks too much and everything is too good.

sara said...

Great pictures. Such a beautiful cake. Are you going to share the recipe? It looks like even though you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions on being home you are enjoying the adventures of being home. Hope to see you tonight.