Friday, February 1, 2008

What's Up.

So I haven't seen any of you guys for it seems like weeks and it feels kinda weird. I got a cryptic message from Sara but I was in class so I didn't get it until it was too late. So this week I had to make a website. It isn't completely finished but I'll let you know so you can visit it. It will be a little lame seeing as it is my first made from scratch website. I went to apply for a job at Bath and Body Works in Trolly Square and they are out of business. Trolly is really sad these days there are at the most five stores still running and I don't know how they do it when there are No customers. Have you all heard of the game show singled out? Well, in our ward we are going to do a game very similar to it, and guess who the lucky girl chosen was? yep me. So here is how it works. All the boys in my ward basically have to answer a series of questions that I come up with, things that I like. For example, I would say, "Which is a better date? A football game, or a picnic?" and whoever chooses my answer gets to stay in. we go through a few of these and the last one standing gets a date with moi. So a potentially embarrassing evening is in my future (the game not the date). I don't know how I was chosen out of all the girls in my ward but somehow it happened.  I went to see Across the Universe last night and I have to say that it was a very very good movie and I recommend it to everyone. I really liked the music.   My computer won't let me upload images. So sad. i'll save them for next time. My roomates have discovered leg wrestling so every time we have company over we have a little competition. And I have some classic pics. see ya all soon.

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