Friday, May 2, 2008


Mom, forgot to tag someone so she tagged me in person when she visited this weekend. Haha.
so here are my answers:
1. Who do you love?
My parents, Ben, All of my cousins and aunts and uncles and Grandparents. I love being so close to them all. I know that God knew that we would need such a close relationship with eachother here on earth and that is why we are all in this family. You have to admit that our closeness with eachother is not exactly the norm for cousinly relationships. I love everyone. the people I live with and work with and go to church with. EVERYONE.
2. How long have you been married?
well, it's going on 20 time flies.
3. Who said I love you first?
I'm pretty sure my parents said I love you first seeing as they were able to talk before me;) But I say it most often. (I think I would like my future spouse to say it first though. I'm such a wuss)
4. How long did you date?
I'm still dating. sometimes it seems interminable.
5. Where did he propose?
? I don't care where it is as long as no else is there besides us. I'm too easily embarrased.
6. Who is taller?
Oh heck! he better be taller. awkward!
7.Who is smarter?
I love this question. He can be smarter as long as I'm always right;) hopefully we will be equally smart in different ways.
8. who does the laundry?
9. Who pays the bills?
10. Who mows the lawn?
Dan the Maintenance man.
11. who cooks dinner?
On days when I work, Barnes and Noble. On Sunday, Me, for about 20 people.
12. who drives?
me. although my car has kind of been giving me grief. I think I need a new one. P.S. I hate driving so my future spouse better like driving.
13. who has the cooler job?
Me! hello I work at the Apple store and it is soooo exciting. If you don't believe me read my blog right below this one.

Ok I'm going to tag...Maren and Leah and Grandpa and Grandpa's second wife Joaney. (that should be interesting to see how long they were dating and how he proposed!)


sara said...

You are so funny. I thought you were quite clever with your answers. I hope you get all those things you hope for in your spouse.

Alan and Shelley said...

I can't believe that about the iphones. Did you have to do anything, like report it, or talk to the police? would you be able to reconogize them again if you saw them? that's really creepy. Liked your tag answers.

Madison said...

Les, You're hilarious.