Monday, June 4, 2012


A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Every day is packed with millions of amazing things to see and do. I had the MOST amazing chocolate cake today. It was like a slice of chocolate truffles with cream pored on top (of course). Also today I went to the British Library which had original copies of all the most famous authors like Shakespeare, Jane Eyre, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Winnie the Pooh, Sherlock Holmes, Music like The Messiah, Mozart, Handel and poets like Edgar Allen Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge...I can't even remember all that I saw there were so many. Speaking of Harry Potter I went to the studio tour and I have to admit there was a part in the tour that actually made me a little teary it was very nostalgic I grew up with Harry Potter.I was there for every midnight book release and all the midnight showings Also this week I went on a tour in Portsmouth on one of those big ships like in Horatio Hornblower. It was awesome to go inside and see everything I can't imagine living on something like that. Went to the tower of London which was cool because I got to see the crown jewels and the bloody tower. Also since I last blogged I went to Paris. Versailles was beautiful we rented a boat and went out one the lake it was unreal. Then we went to the Eiffel tower which is bigger than I expected it to be. And Notre Dame was Beautiful we got there just in time for mass which made a perfect ambience for visiting ND. Beautiful singing choirs and chanting prayers it was like a movie. The down side of our Paris trip was that we missed our bus home because the line was SO long. We were there and hour and a half early but still didn't make it on. We ended up on what I now refer to as the Midnight poop bus. It left Paris at 9 pm and didn't get to London until 4:30am. And I kid you not I felt like I was riding in a port-a-potty for 7 and a half hours. The toilet on the bus was backed up. It made for a miserable ride home.


sara said...

I love recognizing some of the places you are in the pictures. I am so glad that you have had this chance of a lifetime to do this trip. The weather looks like it is quite nice there. I am glad you made it to Paris. Isn't Europe amazing.

The Mo You Know said...

I feel there is something so universally fundamental about taking a study abroad trip with a bunch of other 20-something year olds and coming back with a bus/bathroom story. I certainly have my share.